
The process of practicing martial arts in Taipei parks has provided some insights for me on the prevailing progression of intellectual property in modern civilization. In today’s society, knowledge learning is often dependent on consumption-based economic models, but the tai-chi collective I participate in is centered on knowledge sharing as a core, and health as a common purpose. The transmission of knowledge does not involve monetary transactions. There is an “open source” attitude toward the practice of craft and experience sharing. In this collective, the schools of martial arts practice are varied and flexible; tai-chi approaches from Chen style, Yang style, Shaolin, Wudang, Emei.tai-chi methods are amalgamated, often subverting tradition with innovation, and retains connection to the locality through oral instruction. Martial arts movements originate in the physical motions of farm labor, while the spiritual core of tai-chi practice is a symbiosis with nature, and transformation through intention. Everyone is encouraged to continue to change, store, eliminate, or replicate according to their experience and understanding of their own bodies to tailor a method that suits them.

I’ve been developing the “3C Xing Yi Quan” project since 2017. The ancient martial art form of Xing Yi  (literally “form-intention”) captures animal behaviors and characteristics; and “3C Xing Yi Quan” is a new style of internal-style martial art developed in symbiosis with learning in a digital environment through open-source collaboration with various invited individuals and communities. The term 3C here refers to computer, communication, and consumer electronics. Our cognitive experiences and relationships with quotidian technological objects are transformed through physical movement and mindful comprehension.

Today the connection that humans have with technology has evolved beyond a user-object relationship, and this development is not encompassed by the existing discussions on the human re-emerging as cyborg. As a response, 3C Xing Yi Quan reinterprets the concepts of Tai Chi, creating collective experiences in order to understand today’s connections between “form and meaning” (following from the literal meaning of Xing Yi: "form-intention".) Through a process of learning symbiotically, we can come to terms with the technological reality in which we live.


我在台北的公園學習武術的過程中,對於現代文明普遍的知識財產化有了不同的啟發。當今社會中,知識的學習經常依靠於消費型的經濟模式,而我所參與的太極團體是以知識共享為軸心、健康為共同方向,知識傳承而不涉獵金錢交易,將練功、經驗分享作為一種社群的開源(Open Source)態度。在這個團體中,武術的型態是多變的、能彈性重組的,融合陳式、楊氏、少林、武當、峨眉等各大家拳法,並且時常以創新顛覆傳統、連結在地的口語教學。武術本來自於農耕勞動的動作,而太極更是與自然共生形意運轉的精神為核心,鼓勵每個人依照自己對身體經驗的理解,不斷更改、儲存、消除或複製,調整出適合自己的方式。

2017年起,我開始發展《3C形意拳》計畫,古老的形意拳在於捕捉動物的行為與特性;而《3C形意拳》則是一套以開源協作的內家拳法,邀請不同的個體、社群一起共同研發新的武術,與數位環境學習共生。3C 泛指電腦(Computer)、通訊 / 溝通(Communication)和消費性電子產品( Consumer Electronics)。通過身體動作和心神領會,轉換我們與日常生活技術物的認知經驗與關係。

