Xia Lin’s ongoing project ’3C Xing Yi Quan' is a open source new style of martial arts that imitates the body language and characteristics of technological products. Xin Yi Quan is a form of internal martial arts and is based on capturing the essence of animal behavioral ecology. Through informed movements, the exercise fosters deeper understanding of familiar technological gadgets that are an intimate part of our daily lives. The highest ‘Xing Yi 形意’ is ‘to be’, learn from these products by imitation, experience, and cohabitation, in order to find a sense of symbiosis and enjoyment with our new technological nature.
#Consumer Electronics
3C XING YI QUAN: ALL FORMS (2017 to Present)
Inspired by My Laptop and lololol.net
Inspired by My Tablet and Taichi Master Yan.
Inspired by My Desktop and Taichi Master Fuxin.
Inspired by Taichi Master Chen.
Inspired by Photograper Josh Lee.
Developed by Artist Shaina L. Yang.
Developed by Artist Sophia Wang.
Inspired by Taichi Master Chen.
Developed by Artist Bruce Bo Ding.
Inspired by My Young Sister Mumu and Menlo High School Students.
Developed by Office Worker Hugo Chen.
Developed by Retiree Mr. Lee.
Developed by Li Ao.
Inspired by Trainer Ms. Zou.
Developed by Choreographer Venuri Perera.
Inspired by Mahidol University Thai Medicine Student Xiao Mei.
Inspired by Artist Sheryl Cheung, Developed with Shang Bo Lin.
Inspired by Homemaker Ms.Jiang, Ms.Wang. Developed with Taichi Master Fuxin and Pacific Pirate #2 TAZ friends.
Inspired by Ms. Chung, A poet, My Mother.
Inspired by Audrey Tang. Developed with Liu MoMo, Mina, Wang Yuxiang, Wang Canxiang, Qi Yu, Cai Huiling, Yuan Yingru and other friends.
Developed by Director
Zihan Loo.
Developed by Crystal Liu.
Inspired by Artist George Clark.
Developed by Jane.
Inspired by My Webcam and Computer Vision for Surveillance Camera. Developed with lololol Surface Habitat friends & Yilan Hualien Digital Opportunity Center friends.
Inspired by Photographer Mark Lee and Artist Liam Morgan. Developed with Animistic Apparatus & BFMAF Friends.
Inspired by Peng Guang-Zhao, Developed by Shi-Jin.
Developed with Sheryl Cheung, and
7 Bodies and the Talking Sea friends.